
Posts Tagged ‘dumplings’

I cooked frozen dumplings in the microwave tonight for dinner.  A lot of people get really grossed out when I tell them I do this. Yes, you can cook Chinese frozen dumplings (NOT the gyoza they sell in Japanese supermarkets that are fully cooked already), but the frozen, raw dumplings…in your average microwave. It is really fast! and easy! And yes, they still come out better when boiled in hot water, but it is a good solution when you’ve used up all your pots, or when you want dinner in a hurry.

I got the recipe from a Taiwanese cook book 用微波爐作菜 or Cooking the Microwave Way.


  1. Put frozen dumplings in a bowl.
  2. Fill the bowl with hot water so that they at least half an inch over the dumplings. (By hot water, I mean water with your faucet turned to hottest possible).
  3. Cover the bowl and microwave on high for 3-4 minutes for about 6-7 dumplings. (The original recipe calls for 6 min. on high for 15 dumplings).
  4. You know the dumplings are ready when they are floating in the water.
  5. Serve with seasoning of your choice.

Here is a photo of my dinner tonight:

frozen dumplings cooked in microwave

frozen dumplings cooked in microwave

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