
Posts Tagged ‘roasted root vegetables’

roasted parsnips and carrots

roasted parsnips and carrots

Roasting winter root vegetables is easy, and super sweet and delicious since the vegetables are in season, and cheap because you can buy the root vegetables locally.  Here I have parsnips and different colored carrots, including super sweet blood carrots that have a deep-red, vein-like skin.

Ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt, black pepper,various winter root vegetables (parsnips and carrots here)

  1. preheat oven to 400 F.
  2. Peel carrots and parsnips, then cut then into equal-length strips.
  3. toss the carrots and parsnips in a bowl with extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt, black pepper.
  4. spray the bottom of a baking dish with nonstick spray, spread out the root vegetables on the baking dish and bake forabout 30-40 minutes.

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