
Posts Tagged ‘taiwanese oyster omelette’

Taiwanese oyster omelette upclose 蚵仔煎 upclose

Taiwanese oyster omelette upclose 蚵仔煎 upclose

taiwanese oyster omelette 蚵仔煎2

taiwanese oyster omelette 蚵仔煎2

I bought oysters the other day so that I can practice my shucking skills (or lack thereof), so I decided to make the famous Taiwanese street food oyster omelette 蚵仔煎.  It’s a shame I forgot to buy the sauce to go with it.  I also did not have any Taiwanese cabbage so I used lettuce instead.  Shucking was fun! I am still slow as hell, but I am improving, and come to think of it, I should buy another batch so I can continue working on this.

Recipe taken from Eupho Cafe

Ingredients (1 serving): 10-12 oysters, Taiwanese cabbage (小白菜) or some sort of lettuce greens, 2 eggs beaten, 6-7 tbsp corn starch, water, salt and pepper to taste

  1. shuck oysters or clean them (if already shucked); chopped greens into bite-size pieces
  2. mix corn starch with water so that you get an extremely gooey, cement-like paste (thicker than you would need it to thicken soup.
  3. heat a saute pan over medium heat.  Add 1 tbsp of oil, then add about half of the oysters.
  4. pour in half of the corn starch mixture and half of the egg mixture.
  5. put the lettuce greens on top as the egg begins to form an omelette.
  6. add the rest of the oysters, egg, corn starch mixture.  flip the omelette over for 1 minute before serving.

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